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聖言中學中一資訊日將於二零二二年十二月三日(星期六) 下午二時三十分至四時三十分舉行(一時四十五分開始入場),屆時會設入學講座,有興趣參加者須到以下網址報名。參加者於報名後會收到一封確認電郵,內有參加者編號。參加者須於入場時以手機出示確認電郵。

The F1 Info Day will be held on 3 December 2022 (Sat), from 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm. (Admission starts at 1:45 pm.) An admission talk will be held. Registration is required via the following link. After registration, participants will receive a confirmation email, which contains the participant's number. Participants have to show the confirmation email on the mobile phone when entering the school.

報名 Registration:https://sites.singyin.edu.hk/f1-info-day



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