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2023滙基書院(東九龍):S1Briefing Session      


2023-2024 S.1 Briefing Session (3,4 & Campus Tour 

12th November, 2022 (Saturday)

17th December, 2022 (Saturday)

Parents and students who are interested in attending this S1 Briefing Session please click the button below to sign up. We will have a Campus Tour on the same day from 12:00 NOON to 1:30 PM. Participants may join the tour conducted by students and get a taste of KE life. 

Please register ONE ticket for EACH individual and arrive at the School Hall fifteen minutes before the briefing session starts. Thank you for your kind understanding. See you soon.

此為實體活動。當天憑票入場,一人一門票。簡介會(三)後 正午十二時 至 下午一時三十分我校會安排由同學帶領的校園導賞予當日出席者參加。請於活動15分鐘前到抵學校。謝謝。

  • 10:00 AM – 12:00 NOON : S.1 Briefing Session (3) 中一簡介會(三)
  • 12:00 NOON – 1:30 PM : Campus Tour (Feel free to join) 校園導賞 (自由參加)
  • 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM : S.1 Briefing (4) 中一簡介會(四)


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